Sunday, June 16, 2013

Spiritual Enlightenment

Spiritual Enlightenment

     The Light of God is monumentally life-changing.  It is attractive to some and makes others shield their eyes.
    To a people who were presumably "God's People" Isaiah gives this message "All nations will come to God's Temple and learn of His ways".  I do not believe that "God's People" in the Old Testament Understood what it meant to be a true child of Abraham (the father of the faithful).
    The Jewish people thought that because they were born in Abraham's family, they were God's Chosen people.  In reality, God only chooses those who want to follow him.
    The children of promise are indeed tose who choose to follow God with their whole heart and are not necessarily of a faithful family.
    The same thing applies today, even though many people come from godly homes, this does not negate the fact they need to choose to open the temple of God in their hearts.
    When God created the world (Genesis 1), He said, Let there be light".  This was before the creation of the sun, moon, and stars.  The light that began to shine was none other than the Glory of God shining through the darkness that existed until that moment.
    The absence of God always leaves darkness and the presence of God always brings light to the soul
    There is a big push for spiritual enlightenment that comes from within yourself, but light can never come from a sin darkened soul and  any light that does show up in anyone is the Glory of God shining through.
    Following God's laws are never designed to be burdensome to us, but were designed so our hearts become aligned with God to allow His Glory to permeate our being and then work itself out as a witness of His majestic Glory to those around us. 
    In Matthew it talks about whether your eye is single and states that if your eye truly is single (if you have one focus) for God's will, then our whole body will be full of light.  Most of the time we have to battle our humanity in order to have a single focus.  If we allow our humanity to get the best of us it is evident that we have a double focus and darkness will exude from our soul.
    We have been called (invited) out of darkness and into God's marvelous light.  Let us therefore walk in it.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Invitation

God has given each one of us an invitation. “Come Ye Let us reason together”

What does it mean?
In our fallen state, God desires fellowship with each one of us and invites us to fellowship while determining that we are indeed fallen and that we need Him to escape the last death (hell). No other religion has a god that seeks out people for worship of itself. No other god offers himself as a means of connecting with mankind, but rather requires that mankind comes crawling to him. All other religions are about pummeling its subjects into submission while the True God gives mankind the power to meet His demands.
Sin that is as scarlet is very visible yet God promises that He would provide a way to cleans it as white as snow. In other places in the Bible, God promises to remove it as far as the east is from the west. God is Merciful and wants us to have complete victory over our sin and willingly removes any power the sin had over us.
Who receives it?
John 3:16
The entire world is to receive this invitation and God speaks this invitation through His people and His creation. The entire universe including the stars speak of this invitation. “God is not willing that any should perish, but have everlasting life.”(2 Peter 3:9) God knocks at the door of our heart waiting for us to heed His invitation. (Revelation 3:20)
Who resists it?
Romans Chapter 1
The people who are lifted up in pride, think they are self sufficient and are constantly looking for a way to put God down or out of the picture.
Who accepts the invitation?
John 1:12
Those who are willing to put their trust in Jesus Christ are the ones who accept the invitation.
What is in it for those who accept it?
John 1:12
John 3:16
God gives them power to be His children and eternal life in a home in Heaven.
What is in store for those who refuse it?
Revelation 20:14,15 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
Hell or the second death is in store for those who refuse the gift of the invitation.

"Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give your rest"  Matthew 11:28 KJV