Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Where Does The Capacity To Reason Come From?

The Capacity to Reason Comes From God!

The social push today is to have reason with no faith in an outside deity.  Their cry is to be left alone and not have their lives dictated by what they call an abstract god.  Their definitions of God have been a mockery to who He really is, because He isn’t an abstract dictator who really doesn’t care about them.  Reason, they say is to live a life that is lived in the here and now, with no thought for what you cannot see.
What if all Americans lived that way.  Just because you cannot see the government doesn’t mean that it’s non-existent.  Rather if we just open our eyes, we shall see the evidences of the government which resides in another part of the country.  Belief in God is a lot like that many of us can see the evidences of His presence, many of us can feel His presence; so come now and reason it out...look at the facts, the evidence, the truth and reason will no longer be ignorance, but will be reality.
When God implanted the seed of life into soul of man part of that included the ability to reason.  Without the ability to reason, there is no choice and we become robots following our instincts.  Genesis chapter 1 says that mankind was made in the image of God.  That means they had a spirit, a soul, and a body; all of which enabled them to make their own choices and carry them out.  As early on as Genesis Chapter 3 we see that capability acted on; which was the downfall of the world.
Reason is not always evil, but is a God given ability which He intended for us to use to choose Righteousness, but when we allow a humanistic approach govern our reasoning we will choose evil.
Humanity, as created by God, are highly spiritual beings so the idea that you can have freedom from religion is inaccurate, misleading, and is predicated on Humanism (the worship of humanity and their thought processes) and Atheism (the refusal to acknowledge a higher power) which is also a form of Humanism.  It is because of our wicked heart that we are able to rationalize wickedness and is possible due to a disconnect in our spirit.  When this happens we are making choices in our soul and the choices are based on feeling and not reality.  Even if we choose to disconnect our spirituality from our souls, inevitably we, either in this generation or in the following generations will revert to being spiritual again. Usually this will end up with the antithesis of Christianity and be outright devil worship.
Throughout the entire Word of God, there is a distinct call to look at the truth laid before you and reason or think it through.  Isaiah 1:18 Come Let us Reason together.  Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.  Joshua said, “Choose you this day whom you will serve”.
The ability to reason things out comes with a great responsibility to guard our hearts from what we cannot see.  Usually as humans, we tend to look at the here and now to base our judgments on, and our reasoning becomes flawed, skewed, and lop-sided because we haven’t taken into account the whole picture.  
There is a choice that each of us will make.  We will either choose to look at life through God’s eyes or we will look at life through the eyes of the god of this world.  When we choose to look at our lives through the eyes of God, we will become enlightened and our understanding will become enhanced; while if we choose to look at life through the eyes of the god of this world our understanding will become darkened.  When the path isn’t clear, we need light.
Can a person make an intelligent choice when all the facts whether seen or unseen are not taken into consideration? Determine in your own heart what evidence you may be missing.
Luke 20:9-18/Matthew 21:33-46/Mark 12:1-12
Luke 20:1-8
Ephesians 4:17-32
Psalm 119:105

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Wayward Heart

I shall never look at my heart the same again!  
Truth shall abound from an Almighty God who has declared that my heart is desperately wicked and exceeding sinful.  Though with great pains He created the heart of man as a perfect place of communion and natural integration of our spirit and His Spirit; we, as children of our ancestors, have inherited a nature that is devoid of love for God and has a natural bent toward a debased behavior.
  • The Rebellious nature of our heart
One doesn’t have to look very far to see the effects of the sinful nature so generously bestowed upon us by the sins of our ancestors.  Personal weaknesses and struggles usually get handed down, not necessarily genetically, but spiritually (Exodus 34:6,7).  As Adam’s descendants (Genesis 1-3), his choice to hand authority in his life over to Satan has affected us in one way or another.  Life is now a struggle to take back that authority and give it back to God who is the real owner of authority anyway.  For some reason, by default Satan seems to always receive from us what should be God’s.
The carnality of the heart desires wickedness so when a person follows after wickedness, his focus has left God and has turned to following carnal things.  Even if we are not living in full rebellion we have been deceived and need to repent, otherwise we will be living off one deception after another.  The Word of God makes it clear; if it isn’t of God, it is of the devil and you will be following the devil making him your illegitimate father, which is sin.
The nature of our heart is selfish, yet because we are relational to one degree or another, we create the appearance of service toward others in hopes of getting something in return.  In other words, we are still selfish.  In many cases we desire approval of man, so we offer “approval” to them in order to gain it from them.  In reality, we are worshipping their opinions in order to receive their worship.  The only approval we really should need is God’s approval.  In other words, we are idolaters and have made ourselves gods.  We also deal with personal pride believing we deserve better than what we are getting.  When this happens, we have an over-rated opinion of ourselves and have made ourselves a god.  Pride is usually driven by selfishness, as is adultery, drunkenness, gluttony, etc.
God has shown us through the written text of His Word that though the Old Testament people experienced a promised blessing if they remained true to Him, it was not enough for them to remain true.  The wicked nature of the heart always seemed to show itself sooner or later and sometimes in very pronounced ways.  What was accomplished then by the promise of success for choosing to believe God?  We now have a clearer picture of the state of the heart of man.  Man could try to fit into God’s Plan and receive the success that was promised to them, but with an unregenerate heart the heart is still carnal and no amount of promises of success from God can take that away.
Romans 1:18-32
For some reason or other mankind has resorted to disregarding the evidence of the existence of God, and has chosen to take its own way and worship the created world over the Creator.  Even if we are sinning through deception, we are effectively transferring authority from God to Satan and Satan as a master will destroy us.  God has said that sin can only go so far before He will turn us over to a reprobate mind.  As we continue to transfer authority over to Satan, he becomes the way we think and we end up in complete disregard for the truth.  When this happens, our lives no longer have any room for truth and we become mockers and truth inhibitors.  Once we have a complete disregard for truth God can no longer speak to us and we become a destructive part of society (A minion of Satan if you will).
We are to blame for allowing our culture to desensitize us, for we are responsible to maintain a high alert against the sinful nature we possess.  It is as if the father of deception has set forth to deceive the very elect of God through incremental deceptions leaving us numb and ill equipped to fight for our souls.  Are we going to wake up before we drift away into eternal destruction?

Today, the promise of success has been removed, but God has a plan which involves Redeeming the heart through Salvation and Sanctification.